(Map of SevenMeter lines, sculptures etc during COP15!)
The SevenMeters-team continously work on finding funds to bring parts of the happening to climate and sustainability venues and bring awareness to the problems the world is are facing.
Though the COP15-summit failed miserably SevenMeters.net was a huge success. Loads of media wrote about our events and about the climate problems they were made to bring awareness about. There is still a range of balancing act-sculptures placed all around Denmark to remind us of the continuing crisis.
SevenMeters.net is a manifestation that, using red blinking LED-light, is to symbolize that we are going towards a climate catastrophe. And that our politicians (and thus their voters) are not doing enough to meet the threats of Global Warming.
7 Meters is the height with which the water will rise if all the ice in Greenland melts.
24 kilometers of red blinking LED-lights appeared at 7 meters height during UN's climate summit in December 2009 in Copenhagen. It was a visual statement about the enormous consequenses our actions will have in the long run.
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We also encourage you to take action. You can start your own SevenMeter group, integrate the idea and red LED-lights in already existing environment campaigns.
More info about SevenMeters.net;
SevenMeters beliefs and disbeliefs - How do I know if I support SevenMeter?
SevenMeters Statement - Short description of the campaign.
SevenMeters Concept - Full description of the Seven Meters Campaign.
About us
Who is behind the project and how can you contact us.
News & Info
All documents, background, Latest news, press releases, internal and external links, info and events related to SevenMeters.net.
You can support SevenMeters.net in numerous ways. Subscribe to the info-list, join the list of supporters, join the debate or take action yourself. Check our main sponsor website - they sponsor us for the last couple of years.
All media gathered for an easy overview.
Here you'll find answers to some of the frequently asked question about SevenMeters.net.
SevenMeters events:
7Meters Posters:
7-Meter Line:
All Pictures;

The survival of the fattest and the little mermaid:

Previous SevenMeter-events;
